Tuesday, August 5, 2008


15...What is that you ask? Well, that is the amount of miles I ran on this past Sunday. I was only scheduled to run 13, but the group kept going and so did I. I felt awesome when I was done and was glad that I did it.

Training has been going well. I have been following the schedule and doing my runs. I will be honest that its hard some nights and I skip smaller mile runs. I do always try to make the long weekend runs.
I love running with my pace groups. I would recommend that everyone find a running group. I have been running with the 9 minute mile group on the weekend and have been leading a smaller 9 minute mile group during the week. We call ourselves the funny nines, since we never really run 9 minute miles.
Currently, my body feels great. The knees are kicking and the only thing wearing down are my shoes. I am on a second pair of shoes and I love this pair even more then the first pair. They are called Etonics and were recommend by the guys at Universal Sole.

This coming weekend I will be running a half marathon here in Chicago called the Chicago Distance Classic. This will be my first half-marathon in Chicago. I feel ready and I will be running with a co-worker who runs the same pace as I do.

As always if you have not done so yet, please take a look at my charity page http://www.firstgiving.com/joeruns . You only have less then 3 months left to help me to help Children in Africa who have been effected by Aids.

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