Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Last night I went out and celebrated. This morning I woke and remembered why I don't drink Patron Tequila that often. I had a little headache. I almost skipped my race, but it started at 11 a.m. so I was able to recover in time.

I got to the race and it was cold and last night we got about 6-7 inches of snow, so the course was still full of snow. I pushed my way to the front of the runners to try to start in front and run fast. I started fast till about the second mile when my lung started burning and hurt. I kept pushing and I got about 300 meters away and my right knee started to kill. I was wearing the new knee brace I had just bought and I have to say I don't think it works as good as the full knee brace. I tried to push myself and all and all I finished just under 25 minutes.

I'm glad I did this race, but I have to say I'm scared. What about? My ability to meet my race commitments and races I want to do more. Today was the first time I felt like an ex-smoker. I don't know if it was the weather or something else, but my breathing was off and hard.

Now for the knee pain; I think its going to be something I will have to deal with everytime I run. I have to be honest that I didn't really get a good stretch since I was running late.

Local forecasts are showing 50-55 degree's in Chicago on Monday and I am off from work. I am thinking about trying to run the full half-marathon to see how I do. I need more time outside since I think the track and treadmill are getting me to my desired distance, but not giving me the resistance I need to advance in my running.

Enough of my crying. I want everyone who has visited this blog to strive for the best in 2008. Know that you can do it. I know New Years Resolutions are stupid and never last, but try to find what angers, pains, or holds you back and chanllenge it. The outcome will surprise you.

I know im starting to sound like Dr. Phil again. I'll stop. Just take care of yourselves and visit this blog often.

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