Sunday, December 30, 2007

You Hypocrite

Ok...Ok...I'm a hypocrite. I have decided to run the NYD race that I still don't think is for a good cause. Why? I really want to race. Plain and Simple. I'm a sucker for a race and the shirt and I preregister and it was only $25.00. Can't beat that.

I tried to run yesterday and was doing find, but I got called into work and had to cut my run short to about 2 miles.

I went back to Universal Sole and bought a new knee brace that is specific to IT-Band syndrome pain. So, far it seems to be working.

I wanted to let you all in on something cool I found again on my Nikeplus. I was playing around on the site and reviewing my week of runs and I found that you can select a run off the site that is powered by google and it will track you while you run. Totally cool. If you are in a different city reading this and are interested in finding place to run or specific mileage to run check this out it only cost $29.00 for the Nike-Ipod connection. The expensive part this the Ipod. It works with the Nano. I have to say that so far it was a great investment.

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