Monday, March 3, 2008

Not Bad....If I do say so myself.

Yesterday I ran the Chicago Wacky 5k. It was a nice day and the streets were free of snow and ice. The race took us through Chicago's west loop neighborhood. I was a little hung-over from the night before. I had attended an event with co-workers we called "German night." Which was just us going to a German restaurant to drink and have German fare. It was fun and I had 4 litters of beer or so it seemed. I was a little drunk and woke the following morning still feeling a little of those German beers; mostly in my head. I was not sure if I was going to make the race let alone get a good time. I forced my sorry butt out of bed and even made it early to the race.
To my surprise I was able to run. I was very short of breath and got that burning throat thing I get when I run outside when its still kinda cold. In the end I finished the race in 21:51. Which is 7.06 per mile. I placed 12 out of 80 in my age class and 93 out of 996 over all. So, I meet my first goal of the year, which if you remember was to do this race in under 24 minutes.
This week I hope to be able to run at least 20 miles outside in preparation for Portugal next week. I think this will help me cut some more time off my overall time. The weather in Chicago is still unpredictable and in the low 30's, so It's going to be a struggle for me, but I have to push forward in order to get a better time.

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